How To Prevent Click Fraud click Spamming To Avoid Loss Of Your PPC Ad Budget

Your advertisements are ready to create organic income after working hard to attract leads through a fantastic advertising regime and practical sales methods. 

Despite all attempts, there is still unfortunate trouble. Competitors clicking on Google advertisements are costing you a lot of money.

Spammers are wasting your time and effort. Click Spamming is when someone repeatedly clicks on an ad without the intention of making a purchase, causing your ad budget to be depleted. Click-spamming is done in huge numbers to produce misattribution and so improve the possibility of compensation.

Organic poaching is another term for click fraud. Click spamming may result in a variety of fraudulent acts on an app or website. 

Spammers may send fake impressions or commit PPC click fraud by making it appear as if the viewer has engaged with the site and converted. 

Although it may appear implausible, PPC click fraud is a reality in the cybercrime world, and it frequently goes undiscovered or is disregarded due to ignorance. 

Every year, marketers worldwide are defrauded by click spamming, forcing them to lose significant PPC ad expenditures. 

According to statistics, businesses lose around $5.8 billion each year due to click fraud on PPC advertising.

According to statistics, the global loss of digital ad spending owing to click fraud might reach $68 billion by the end of 2022. 

Losing money just as your ads were about to go live is something that should be avoided for a successful ad campaign. 

So, the issue persists for advertisers: how can click fraud be avoided? However, before implementing preventive measures, it is critical to completely understand PPC click fraud.

Is Click Fraud A Myth Or Reality?

When advertisers create an ad marketing campaign and publish it on Google or another advertising platform, each public click you gain costs you money since programs charge you for PPC ad posting.

However, the winning side is when these clicks convert and allow you to earn a significant income. 

As a result, your call to action is successful, and the majority of individuals who click on the advertising have genuine intent to make a purchase or fulfill whatever goal you have established for a certain ad.

On Google, the approximate rate of conversation for mobile advertising is roughly 3.5%. This usually results in at least 30 genuine purchases for every 100 clicks on your placed advertising. 

The problem emerges when these 30 clicks are not organic in any manner and are part of a fraudulent scheme to click-spam your adverts. 

This is a short explanation of click fraud on PPC advertisements, which is a possible issue that every marketer encounters in the cyber world.

Because Google charges you for each click, it makes no sense to pay for clicks that aren’t even genuine. They are wasting your advertising budget. 

When you have a solid marketing plan in mind, you expect a decent ROI if you prepare for it and begin implementing it with tedious efforts and big expenditures. As a result, wasting your marketing budget on something that does not generate a return on investment is not worthwhile. 

Furthermore, PPC click fraud becomes a major barrier in reaching out to the proper audience with your ad content.

Search engines would do everything they could to avoid this from happening. Google also takes the appropriate precautions to avoid click fraud so that advertisers are not deceived by this subtle but severe cybercrime. 

Competitors clicking on Google advertising frequently go unnoticed until you begin suffering significant ad spend loss.

Search engines are now attempting to take matters into their own hands by inventing techniques to combat this problem. Because PPC click fraud is so difficult to detect, it frequently goes undetected. 

The difficulty in detecting click fraud on PPC advertising makes resolving the problem difficult. 

The inability to do accurate calculations and detect repeated clicks increases the likelihood of ad budget loss even further.

How Many Types Of Click Fraud There Are?

The entire click fraud problem may be summarized as purposeful clicks that result in a loss of PPC ad spend. But why would anyone deceive you in this manner? Who is the aggressor and what is their motivation?

The challenge may be addressed by categorizing click fraud into two major categories and examining each one separately to have a thorough understanding of it.

Click Fraud by Ad Publishers

The ad network involves three main characters:

  • The ad publisher
  • The ad creator
  • The advertising platform


False inflation of ad income appears to be widespread in the ad community these days, according to SEJ’s Global PPC Click Fraud Report 2021. Fraudulent clicks artificially inflate ad income, affecting about 80% of advertising accounts annually.

Publishers also participate in this practice by fooling network marketers’ paid advertising sites. 

Because the publishing site that is hosting your ad receives a percentage of the ad cost paid to Google, each click increases the publisher’s ad earnings.

PPC click fraud has recently begun to surface on a greater scale and is becoming more dangerous than ever. Websites are becoming increasingly difficult to trust, and publishers should be picked with caution to avoid fraudulent users and invalid traffic schemes.

This is explained in depth in a Forbes article about how ad publishers do click fraud.

Click Fraud by Corporate Competitors

The advertising industry’s competition is stronger than ever. Competitors who click on Google advertisements seek to increase ad revenue to keep other marketers in their comfort zone. 

You will think that your ad message is reaching genuine individuals, yet your competition will eventually cost you money. 

Click fraud on your PPC advertising prevents real individuals from converting, and your sales will fall even as your ad impressions rise.

This might be a predatory business strategy to involve your competitors in something that provides no ROI. Allowing them to invest in ad campaigns without receiving a return on investment. Even corporate hardship, however, has a limit. 

Taking things a step further by guaranteeing that fraudulent clicks continue to cost competitors money does not appear to be a good competitive strategy.

However, the value they would gain from doing so serves two purposes:

  • Spend competitors’ ad budgets quickly to hinder strong competition later.
  • Giving competitors false clicks with little prospect of conversion.

A better ad score is ensured by high-quality clicks. This is why, if the clicks are ineffective, they have a negative influence on your ad score.

When you acquire clicks, you immediately lose some cost per click based on the amount you willingly established as your CPC budget. 

When your ad score drops, you lose the ability to show your advertising more frequently, and your ad exposure suffers. At the same time, your CPC rises, and you pay more for each click that occurs.

How To Notice The Damage Done By Click Fraud To Your Website?

The interpretation of ad impressions and advertising data is critical to the success of a PPC plan. Improving your advertising game by identifying click fraud on PPC advertisements is essential for success. 

Data interpretation and website statistics analysis help in this task. Malware that uses click-spamming is difficult to detect. Bots have gotten increasingly difficult to identify and monitor as fraudsters have become more sophisticated.

To determine whether click fraud is harming your website, you must first determine the source of earned clicks and web traffic sources. To avoid click fraud, you must first collect relevant data, which includes:

  • Timestamps of action
  • Timestamps of clicks
  • User agents such as web browsers and device type, etc.
  • IPs

The traffic source information will assist you in determining whether numerous clicks are originating from the same IP address or are distinct in origin. 

This way, you will know which clicks result in genuine action and which ad impressions are a waste of time.

If the clicks occur from the same IP address with a click timestamp but no action time stamp, it indicates suspicious activity and necessitates close monitoring. 

To guarantee even more security, user agent spoofing must be discovered. This website,, allows you to look up IP addresses and their origins.

Even if click fraudsters disguise themselves with clever tactics and conceal crucial data, reading the above-mentioned data will provide you with some indicators to justify and rule out PPC click fraud.

You may also conduct more research and contact Google to officially report the problem. When something appears odd while interpreting your data, you should pay close attention. 

However, this awareness will improve as you get more experience with PPC advertising.

Why It’s Important To Get Rid Of Click Fraud?

PPC is only one component of a wider ad network. If you picked this sort of advertising above the other ad marketing methods available, you are just thinking about its advantages. 

Because PPC advertising generates significant cash, they are a popular choice among marketers. However, if this money is lost as a result of click fraud, you will have no ROI remaining at the end of the day.

In contrast, whether they committed click fraud or not, your rivals gain from your loss.

To avoid this misconduct, Google and other search engines must implement preventive measures. Preventing click fraud on PPC advertising would not only help them get more consumers but will also boost confidence among advertisers and publishers. 

Nobody wants false clicks to destroy their advertising budget. Anyone who is impacted by it should take steps to prevent it from happening again. The ad data you collect should be trustworthy so that you can observe genuine conversions. 

Your campaign data impressions guarantee that your ad money is used carefully and accurately. Your message is reaching the intended audience, and your marketing efforts are not going to waste.

According to PPC Protect Solution, a SaaS tool for PPC marketers to identify digital ad fraud, more than 10% of paid search clicks and 35% of display ad clicks are fraudulent, resulting in artificial ad revenue inflation. 

According to the statistics, ad fraud is difficult to ignore these days and must be eliminated.

How To Prevent Ppc Click Fraud?

Click fraud detection appears to be a time-consuming operation, whether it is targeting specific, high-value sites for display advertisements, acquiring software that creates thorough referral statistics, keeping a lookout for rivals clicking on Google ads, or tracking invalid clicks. 

However, following easy procedures may dramatically reduce the danger.

6 Steps Towards Click Fraud Prevention

There are no hard and fast rules to eliminate click fraud, but there are certain strategies to avoid it consciously. The impact can be minimized by removing questionable click activity.

The methods below may be taken to reduce the impact of click fraud on PPC advertisements.

Understanding the Proper Way to Run Display Ads

According to PPC Protect, display advertising is more vulnerable to click fraud than search ads. Competitors clicking on Google advertisements are less likely to be click fraud than click fraud aimed at PPC ads on a website’s display area. 

How to avoid click fraud on display advertisements is a mystery unless you analyse how you run them in your publication area.

When it comes to displaying advertisements, susceptibility is increased when publisher ad fraud is involved. Display advertisements, on the other hand, are significantly more controllable than search ads, and retargeting them appears to be a viable alternative.Concentrate on retargeting ads by making them visible to the desired audience. You may avoid click fraud on PPC advertising by retargeting them solely to previous visitors. This ensures true conversion. 

The likelihood of actual action increases as recurrent consumers are more dependable than wandering ones.

It also implies that publishers will be unable to view and click on these display advertisements.

Retargeting is an intelligent method of running and managing display adverts. Targeting clients with a call to action at the appropriate time assures a speedy conversion. 

People returning to your site and leaving a purchase unfinished with a partially full cart may be annoying at first. 

Retargeting, on the other hand, allows you to use advertisements to your benefit and encourages client return by presenting particular ad product chunks. 

It also aids in the prevention of PPC click fraud, which occurs when rivals click on Google advertising falsely.

IP Exclusions Setting in Google Ads

Blocking questionable IP addresses may be one technique to eliminate false clicks. These IP addresses can be excluded from Google Ads. After you have identified your data, you may decide to stop displaying your advertising to these fake IP addresses.

  • Go to the settings section of your Google Ads account interface.
  • Select IP Exclusions, and then mark those IP addresses as fake.

Understanding how to avoid click fraud leads to the identification of various suspicious signals that must be eliminated. As a result, locating the particular source of the problem becomes challenging. 

Even if it is not a foolproof method, this step will result in the elimination of the majority of false IPs engaged in click fraud on PPC advertisements.

Pay Attention to Ad Targeting

To reduce click fraud on PPC advertisements, you must concentrate on ad targeting.

Click farms that utilize user-agent spoofing and artificial bots to assault websites with fake clicks are common. 

You may reduce the danger of PPC click fraud by excluding specified nations and regions. Click farms are widespread in poor countries, and fraudsters are on the hunt for illegitimate sources of money. 

As a result, tailoring your adverts to certain nations helps in the prevention of click fraud on PPC ads.

Your objective as an ad producer and marketer is to convert your audience once your ad content reaches them. You want to get people ready to sign up for your product, and you’re asking them to take action. 

As a result, it is more critical than ever to tailor your adverts to actual consumers with genuine purchasing intent. Your audience should not consist of bots. 

Tailoring your advertising based on demographics helps to narrow your target audience, making it more difficult for rivals to falsely click on Google ads inside your demographic and range.

To underline once more, the topic of “how to entirely avoid click fraud?” remains unanswered. 

However, the actions suggested here can significantly minimize the impact and increase your ad earnings.

Use Anti-Click Fraud Protective SaaS Solution

Several SaaS companies provide fraud prevention solutions. ClickCease, PPC Shield, ClickGUARD, Oracle, CHEQ, Clixtell, and other major protection businesses include, but are not limited to, ClickCease. 

This protection program analyses crucial ad data and records your ad impressions. They isolate fake clicks from suspect sources by using signature approaches and detective algorithms to identify fraudulent actions.

These security services are generally cloud-based these days, although they may also be purchased as freeware. These options for a basic subscription typically cost around $50 per month and are also cost-effective.

The size of your ad campaign should be considered before investing in PPC click fraud protection solutions. In addition, you must first determine the requirement for the service. 

Whether or not you are affected by click fraud on your PPC advertisements. It is equally crucial to choose the proper type of service and then fully utilize it to increase your ad revenue and swiftly recoup lost ad spending.

Social Media Ads

Social media commercials are more visual and typically include graphical representations of data. As a result, they are less visible on search engines and cannot be easily searched using keywords.

Popular social networking names, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, have large public records that you may utilize to your benefit.

While planning your focused ad campaign, you may collect and evaluate public data to target your adverts to the appropriate audience. This will reduce the likelihood of PPC click fraud and help you get a higher ROI on your digitally sponsored advertisements.

Because advertisements on SMM platforms are free of third-party publisher intervention, your ads become somewhat more secure. You may restrict publishers from clicking on your PPC adverts while they are shown on your social media profiles.

Monitor Your Competitors

It is better to be safe than sorry. Always be one step ahead of your opponents. Keep a look out for rivals that click on Google advertising with the intent of click-spamming your PPC ad budget. 

There is software that provides information on how your ad keywords are being used in search engines. This might be an indication of rivals tracking your adverts and falsely clicking on them. 

Trial versions of fraud detection programs such as Ad Watcher, ClickForensics, and ClickDefense are available to provide click-tracking data. Another open-source platform for fraud detection is SourceForge.

Trying and testing will not harm you, and the result will be worth it. It’s past time to start protecting your ad campaign from hostile rivals who click on Google advertising with bad intent.


Click fraud is a complex cybercrime that might be the source of all your ad spend losses. Even though search engines like Google have been busy tracking those fake clicks and refunding you for them, the problem has not been resolved. 

The topic of how to entirely prevent click fraud remains unanswered. Nothing appears to be a perfect solution, so the hunt continues. In this scenario, specialists advise taking an initiative-taking approach, since prevention appears to be preferable to treatment.

Paid advertisements are a complicated marketing strategy that requires fine-tuning. You must achieve a decent ROI to pay back your ad expenditure and earn from your PPC advertisements. 

If click fraud on PPC advertisements continues, you have no chance against fraudsters.

Spending hours crafting something worth advertising for and creating the most fantastic ad text, just to lose it all to a swarm of false rivals clicking on Google advertisements does not seem fair. It is time to go on the defence and defend your ROI.


About Roniyal Devid

With a passion for all things tech, Roniyal Devid has established himself as a leading voice in the world of technology blogging. As the founder and chief editor of a renowned technology blog, Roniyal offers insightful, in-depth, and up-to-date content that caters to both tech novices and experts alike.

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