Digital Marketing in Business

Why Every Business Needs to Invest in Digital Marketing and SEO in 2023

Digital Marketing and SEO in 2022

Handing out flyers, word of mouth, TV commercials, the list goes on and on.

These are just some of the tactics people think of when they hear the term, marketing. Little do people know that over the years, marketing has evolved to a point where it has a tremendous influence on the success of any business regardless of its size. If you haven’t guessed already, this growing trend is known as digital marketing and SEO.

Digital marketing and SEO although undervalued have numerous advantages, especially in this day and age. The purpose of this post will primarily revolve around exposing these benefits as well as explaining why it is imperative for any business to utilize digital marketing. Before we begin, however, it is important to understand what is digital marketing and what aspects of it can benefit businesses seeking to expand.

What is Digital Marketing & SEO?

Simply put, digital marketing can be described as an all-encompassing category that includes all aspects of online marketing. Within this last category, there are many marketing tools that are used to help convert viewers into sales. These digital marketing tools and tactics include search engine optimization (SEO), social media, email marketing, video marketing, inbound marketing, and content creation. When these tools are used well together, they reinforce one another creating a solid digital marketing plan.

How Does Digital Marketing Work?

The way digital marketing works is that it utilizes simple, yet effective digital strategies and tools to communicate business-specific information to an audience in order to elicit a response. Essentially, digital marketing is most useful when it is used alongside a combination of tools such as social media, blogs, and search engine optimization. By using a number of different strategies, you can almost guarantee that your digital marketing efforts will be much more efficient and will work better in comparison to another business or agency that only focus on using one or two of the marketing tools previously mentioned.

What percentage of Businesses Have a Digital Marketing and SEO Strategy?

According to Smart Insights, nearly 36% of businesses claim that SEO is integrated into their marketing strategy. In addition to that, 17% claim that it is defined in a separate document while the remaining 49% claim that they do not have digital marketing integrated into their marketing strategy. The question is, why?

Reasons Why you need Digital Marketing and SEO

SEO and digital marketing have numerous benefits, let us delve deeper into some of the reasons why you should consider integrating digital marketing into your marketing plan.

Reason 1: Without a digital marketing or SEO plan, you have no sense of direction

The most important thing is to always know where you’re going. If you don’t know where you’re going you can never make strides, changes or take a leap of faith trying to achieve a goal you are not sure exists. When it comes to business, owners need a clear sense of direction. Without digital marketing, most businesses seem to be diluted in the sense that they don’t know where to go or how to establish a deeper relationship with their customers. A solid digital marketing and SEO plan allow business owners to connect with their customers and consequently, address their needs online before customers walk into the business through the front door. In addition, a solid digital marketing plan helps businesses understand more about their consumer base which in turn, helps owners set quotas and goals based on extra analytical information that is only provided through digital marketing tools available online.

Reason 2: Digital Marketing and SEO Allows you to Compete against the Big Guys

When you’re starting out let’s face it, you probably don’t have that many resources to compete with the well-established companies in your niche. Luckily, however, digital marketing helps even out the playing field, so long as you know what you’re doing. With digital marketing, you can utilize detailed targeting to target people in your local area by demographics, age, gender, and even interests or income. As a small business, you may not have the resources to blow off on a huge marketing budget but if you use digital marketing you will be able to target the exact customers in your niche. Therefore, you minimize costs and avoid wasting marketing budget and spending on targeting customers outside of your specialty. All thanks to detailed targeting granted in digital marketing tools such as Facebook or SEO.

Reason 3: Digital Marketing and SEO Helps you Understand More about your Customers

When you are starting out collecting marketing data can be very tough. Sure you can rely on secondary sources of marketing data but for most businesses, we tend to rely on primary data collected through experience and past referral. Digital marketing is great in the sense that it allows you to get insight into your customers through tools such as google analytics. The more you know about your customers the better you will be able to produce and sell products and services that cater to their demand.

Reason 4: Digital Marketing and SEO makes your business Accessible

That’s right, digital marketing is great because it makes you more accessible to consumers. This is especially helpful for businesses who have a lot of local competitors and need the extra edge against the competition. By having an online presence and being engaging with your customers through social media platforms and online blogs/reviews, customers are bound to choose you over your competitors every single time.

Reason 5: Digital Marketing and SEO Gives your Business a Story

Yes, it’s true, digital marketing gives your business a story. In fact, there’s a saying that goes “facts tell, but stories sell”. This means that people don’t buy something because of the features or gimmicks, people buy something because of their emotional association with story. Digital marketing is great for creating that brand identity and it gives you a chance to express your business story in ways that transpire far beyond a brochure or poster. Essentially, digital marketing is the key that allows people to connect more with your business and engage with your story. Tools such as online blogging, as well as the potential to link blog posts and have them liked, shared, and re-shared, are just some of the benefits digital marketing amplifies.

Is Digital Marketing and SEO Worth The Time and Effort?

Absolutely! As mentioned previously, digital marketing and SEO is the key for any business seeking to flourish in the world of competition. It separates you from your competitors, helps you establish an online presence, creates credibility, grants accessibility to your customers, helps you compete against the big companies, as well as gives your marketing efforts a sense of direction and focus.

Why Should You Work With Click Typhoon?

Ultimately, at Click Typhoon, we make sure to do everything in our power to help you become successful and convert viewers into sales. Our Brampton SEO Agency is well established and fully capable of providing whatever services you may need. If you have been looking for a reliable SEO and digital marketing agency don’t hesitate to reach out to us today! We also are proud to now service all across the greater Toronto area and provide Mississauga SEO Services and Oakville SEO Services to all our clients. Let’s grow your local SEO together!


About Roniyal Devid

With a passion for all things tech, Roniyal Devid has established himself as a leading voice in the world of technology blogging. As the founder and chief editor of a renowned technology blog, Roniyal offers insightful, in-depth, and up-to-date content that caters to both tech novices and experts alike.

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