Which Structure Is Highlighted?
A) Fibrocartilage
B) Goblet cell
C) Nucleus
D) Basement Membrane
The correct answer is B): Goblet cells
The mucin-secreting glands within epithelia are called goblet cells. They are called goblet cells because of their goblet-like size and form, which includes narrow bases and broad apexes.
The structure is seen in scattered goblet cells within epithelia. Goblet cells are involved in immunoregulation, mucin production, and the formation of a protective mucus layer.
Therefore, “goblet cells” is the correct answer.
Which structure is highlighted?
Goblet cells are the highlighted structure.
Which structure is highlighted and indicated by the leader line?
The Sacral Plexus is the structure that the leader line highlights and indicates.
Which structure is highlighted superior vena cava?
The leader line highlights and indicates the Superior Vena Cava structure.